Sunday, December 25, 2011


By Ashlee Davis, Health
This year’s spate of natural disasters has reignited the debate over the safety of nuclear energy, as well as the fears of people who worry they could be exposed to harmful radiation. (As if the recent earthquake on the East Coast wasn’t enough to rattle our nerves, it led to the automatic shutdown of two reactors at a Virginia power plant.) 
Fortunately, most of these fears are unfounded. Even after an earthquake caused a partial meltdown of a Japanese power plant in March, sending plumes of radiation drifting across the Pacific, G. Donald Frey, PhD, a professor of radiology at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston, reassured Americans that the "very low levels" of radiation were "no reason to be concerned."

That's because the radiation was just a fraction of the so-called background radiation we absorb each year, from both natural and manmade sources. To put our newfound radiation fears in perspective, here are nine sources of everyday exposure.

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